Buddha’s teachings as contained in the Sutras and Tantras are pure and perfect like ambrosia and they are more precious than the most precious jewels. The supreme expounders of all Buddhist teachings and philosophy are the highly accomplished Siddhas, Acharyas, and the Mahapanditas of Nalanda, one of the most ancient Buddhist universities in Aryabumi – the land of Noble beings.
At the request of the Khenpos and teachers, Khenchen Konchok Gyaltsen Rinpoche has graciously agreed to guide and instruct the students. Khenchen Rinpoche is a highly respected, fully acquainted scholar and meditation master. He has studied and practiced the Dharma at a profound level, and we feel very fortunate to have his guidance.

- His Holiness Drikung Kyabgon Chetsang Rinpoche
- Khenchen Konchok Gyaltsen Rinpoche
- Khenchen Nyima Gyaltsen
- Khenpo Thinley Phuntsok (Principal)
- Assistant Khenpo Sherab Dorjey (Vice Principal)
- Khenchen Konchok Choskyab
- Khenpo Konchok Zangpo (Gawa)
- Geyshey la
- Kyorpön Konchok Dorjey
- Kyorpön Tashi Chosphel
- Kyorpön Konchok Lobsang
- Kyorpön Konchok Ngotrub
- Lopön Konchok Samdrup
- Lopön Konchok
- Mrs. Asha Mazumdar (Volunteer faculty for English language – from locality)
- Tenzin Tsephel (Secretary cum Accountant)
- Lopön Pema (Gekko – Disciplinarian of Kagyu College)
- Dorjey Gyaltsen (Store Incharge cum purchaser of College)
- Konchok Tsewang (Incharge of College vehicle)
- Lopon Skalzang Tsering (incharge of College Restaurant and Cafe)

Kagyu College also has a Literary Committee. Members of the Kagyu College Literary Committee are khenpos and some students. Every year the Literary Committee publishes two magazines and other important books. The aim of the magazine is to improve the students’ literary style. The Literary Committee collects poems from staff and students as well as from anyone outside of the College. Anyone living outside of India can send poems to the Kagyu College Literary Committee for consideration.