Conclusion of the Hevajra Teaching.

Conclusion of the Hevajratantra teachings With an impressive Hevajra Ganachakra and a common prayer for the pacification of global conflicts, the ten-day teachings of H.H. Drikung Kyabgon Tinley Lhundup at the Milarepa Retreat Center (MRC) in Germany came to an end on September 10th. The participants were deeply moved by the intense and complex explanations on the Hevajratantra given by H.H. following a Hevajra empowerment.
In his closing words he pointed out that it is now more and more the responsibility of the participants to maintain this transmission for further generations. For the next three years, H.H. will lead and accompany further retreats at the MRC each year, as well as give teachings. After that, others will have to continue this.
The organizers expressed their great gratitude to H.H. also on behalf of the participants and were very pleased to hear that the next gathering at the same place has been fixed for July 2023. A big thank you also went to the participants, of whom members of the Mar-Ngo.